About Us
Electro Tech Trading Company (SMC-Private) Limited is a manufacturing Company of Electrical Accessories. Having expertise of over a decade and was founded in 2008 mainly manufacturing Electrical Junction Boxes (Concealed & Open), Electrical Plugs (2 Pin Plugs & 3 Pin Plugs), Extension Leads, Adaptors / Plastic Glands, Fan Dimmers, Socket Outlets (Light Plugs & Power Plugs), Fan Plates, Wall Plates, Distribution Boxes, Holders (Simple, Angle, Double, Fancy, Batten, Ceiling Rose, Pendant) & other Accessories. These products are used in residential, commercial & industrial applications.
Muhammad Irfan (C.E.O) started it from scratch with constant dedication and firm determination of a professionally committed and skilled team working with proper planning. In line with the policy of continuous demand-driven expansion, quality improvement, diversification of products, and efficiency of operations; the organization has a nationwide distribution network with a strong presence all over Pakistan. Complete inhouse facilities as per Pakistan standards where a competent team of professionals is working hard for continuous quality improvement. With the best R&D facilities and professional workforce, we are engaged to provide the best for our valued customers.
Our customers know us by Electro Tech® /ET®.